
A:11 is We:11

A wish came true today.

So, I'll take this moment to thank the Big Fat Universe swirling outside my window for giving me a little love, love in the form of help. More than two month ago, I went down to the unemployment office. I was looking to boss someone around. I've been trying to hire on my own for sometime. No luck. I had one person that we adored but she was college bound* thus as temporary as they come. Raising a child with autism is a full-time job. Homeschooling him is overtime. Writing is my release while laundry brings me little peace. For every word I've written, there is a equal but opposite piece of clothing that needs sorted, washed, dried, folded or put away. I could be wrong. Maybe it's two-to-one. Will the words ever catch up?

Anyway, when the woman in charge of the agency called me to tell me someone was interested, I felt a surge of Yes-ness. Why? Well, before I walked into the agency on the first day, I told myself that the person who was right for the job would be the first person to apply. I had tried so unsuccessfully that I finally just handed it over. I let it go and got out of the way...of course, she appeared.

Seriously, employment applications are beautiful things. One can immediately know more about a person than they probably care for anyone to know. That's right, I charted her birthday. We're astrologically matched for a work relationship. I doubt I will ever mention that to her but it was an affirmation for me. Knowing that it's all made up but present in mind, the Law kicks in to bring more and more evidence to continue the "truth" of that reality...so...I'm creating her as perfect for the job!

She has small children. I once did. How nice it would have been to have had employment that embraced me bringing them to work. She'll have an invitation to do this. It's not altruistic. It's completely selfish as there is nothing like the chatter of small children filling the open air of any room. I'm excited. I've never engaged in the possibility of a permanent domestic side-kick before. It's time.

It's 11:11 on 1.11.11 to be exact.

* Revision:
There was another temporary person , The Amazing World Traveler. How could I forget? Easy. She isn't like any temporary person, she is like family. Ha!