Source Knows
It's kinda crazy to witness metamorphoses of "truth" occurring around me. I watch, without judgment, myself and others in my life coming to know Who-We-Really-Are while slowly shedding the larval layers that have insulated us from a world ready to dictate what is right and wrong.
I have nothing short of thankful appreciation, though, for the contrast and resistance of outside judgments when they arrive because nothing short of a huge desire is birthed within me to be as authentically self-defined as possible. The quest for true freedom. And so, with the aid of the All-Knowing Source that adores me, life falls into place moment to moment in so many wonderful ways when I consciously surrender to Its transformative power.
For example:
For a very long time, I have been wanting to do "energy" work (but let's call it play or Rockin' the Cocoon). Seeking, in a word, balance. I do a great deal on my own but I know the power of co-creating. I have been wanting a teacher, facilitator and friend that could 'read' me. For lack of a better phrase, get to the "deeper truth" within me. I've been dreaming of moving somewhere which would make finding someone possible while believing nothing remotely like I envision could be found here. Obviously, my desire was much stronger than my belief because the All-Knowing came through BIG TIME.
Here ~ in my little Mayberry R.F.D. ~ I have found her. Not many know of her
work seeing her outer persona as only a physical therapist. I delightfully think of her as my meta-physical therapist. At her request, the work is to remain anonymous, on-going and free (I must be doing something right). So the "truth" of her is to remain unknown as the "truth" of me continues to expand. Love it!!!
Dear Source,
You ARE Good!