Deepak Chopra has written more than once: The big bang of cosmic creation was everywhere simultaneously as prior to it there was neither space nor time.
It reminded me of a thought I've carried around: Desire had to have existed. The Big Bang was the cosmic climax that gave birth 2 the 3rd dimension. Desire is always present in creation. If Love is not an action but a state of being ~ in this case, The Ultimate Being ~ than desire is Its action. Love desires.*
Later, he wrote in response to another, The universe was conceptualized into existence when his following thought was questioned, God is not a concept but the origin of all concepts.
I completely agree. However, conceptualized is such a cold word to me when it's coming from something as wonderful as Supreme Love that I'm taking the liberty of replacing it with dreamed...pretended...imagined...into existence.
It has been said, to know the origins of something as macro as The Universe once simply has to look to nature in its micro (here, like in Wikipedia, a siting is needed...I'll get on that).
So, I now desire greatly to ramble on about what some might find serious nonsense. Nonetheless , this has been the quest burning in my eyes from all those moments in the sun and stinging on my tongue with all those illegitimate communions. What is God?
Chopra has written more than once: The big bang of cosmic creation was everywhere simultaneously as prior to it there was neither space nor time.
And in delightfully deep conversations imbued with a little Merlot, my girlfriends and I have gotten into deep discussion where they've heard me say more than once: Desire had to have existed prior to the Big Bang which, in my sunburnt eyes, is the cosmic climax that gave birth 2 the 3rd dimension. Desire is always present in creation. If Love is not an action but a state of being ~ in this case, The Ultimate Being ~ than what it inspires is desire. Love desires.
Later, he wrote in response to another, The universe was conceptualized into existence when his following thought was questioned, God is not a concept but the origin of all concepts.
I completely agree. However, conceptualized is such a cold word to me when it's coming from something as wonderful as Supreme Love that I'm taking the liberty of replacing it with dreamed...pretended...imagined...into existence.
It has been said, to understand the origins of something as macro as The Universe one simply has to look at the micro in nature. To understand the origins of the Unknown is to look closely at the what you know. So, the disclaimer is: These are my thoughts and only my thoughts and had they been your thoughts you would have been notified where and when to look inside yourself for further instruction.
So, I now desire greatly to ramble on about what some might find serious nonsense. It might be more than 2 minutes. It might be absolutely insane but I'll claim it to be spiritual science fiction and let the world of theorist and mathematicians Nonetheless, this has been the quest burning in my eyes from all those moments in the sun and stinging on my tongue with all those illegitimate communions. What is God?